

1716 Uppsatser om Fotboll och religion - Sida 1 av 115

Världens viktigaste oviktiga sak : kan fotboll fungera som religion?

Fotboll har under de senaste 100 åren växt till att bli en enorm företeelse i Sverige och övriga världen. Att vara fotbollsintresserad är idag en vanlig sida hos många människor, i Sverige och i övriga världen. För vissa är det identitetsskapande, och så viktigt att allt kretsar runt det fotbollslag man följer. Livet i övrigt kommer i andra hand. Det finns de som säger att fotboll är viktigare än religion för dem, eller att det är fotboll som är deras religion.Jag har i detta arbete försökt se om fotboll kan vara en religion eller fungera som en religion.

Iglesia Maradoniana : en studie om fotboll, religion och identitet i Argentina

Denna studie är genomförd i Argentina, ?fotbollens land?. Den handlar om en grupp människor som möts en till två gånger per år i vad man kallar Maradonakyrkan för att helga Diego Armando Maradona. Studien genomfördes i form av fältstudier på plats i Argentina med metoder som intervjuer och deltagande observationer. Maradonakyrkan är ett så pass nytt fenomen att inga akademiska texter funnits att tillgå.

Kan fotboll och religion fylla samma funktion?

Min ambition med den här uppsatsen är att påvisa att fotboll kan ha samma effekt och samma funktion som kyrkan, när det gäller att bearbeta sorg. Jag har även som syfte att framhålla likheter gemensamma nämnare och samarbete mellan Fotboll och religion.Jag tycker att jag har fått svar på min fråga: Om Fotboll och religion kan fylla samma funktioner? Mitt svar är helt klart ja. Allt från att man hänger sig till någon gud/spelare till att dra nytta av kyrkan/fotbollen vid ett sorgearbete, för att bearbeta känslor. Även när man jämför kyrkans funktion när det gäller sorgearbete med det jag har fått fram, så ser jag ingen större skillnad.

Barn och religion : En studie om barns tankar om sin egen religion och andras religion

The objective of the essay has been the studying of the importance of religion for children. To answer and satisfy my objective, I have some questions: How do children talk about their own and others? religions? In what way do children associate themselves to religion? Which meaning does religion have for children?s identities? Which thoughts rise about religiontuition in the school?To answer the problem formulation, I have done a qualitative interview study with five children of different religious and cultural backgrounds in a Swedish communal school. The results showed that children?s thoughts about religion are mostly inherited from the parents.

"Fotboll är en livsstil, inte en hobby" : En kvalitativ studie om supporterkultur

Denna uppsats handlar om att studera fotbollssupportrarnas tankar och åsikter kring det egna supporterskapet. Syftet är att ta reda på vad det är som fascinerar med fotboll och se hur stor betydelse gemenskap har i deras fotbollsengagemang. Att se vilken betydelse supporterskapet har för individens meningsskapande har även varit en del av syftet. Genom att utföra sex intervjuer med supportrar till AIK och Hammarby vill vi skapa oss en bättre bild av deras supporterskap. Ämnen rörande gemenskap, fascination för fotboll, supporterskapet som livsstil och våld har väckt många intressanta och givande tankar.

Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet

This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..

?Fotboll är bara en världslig sak, det betyder inget för evigheten? Religionsvetenskapliga perspektiv på fotbollsintresse

This qualitative study examines if an interest in soccer can give the same meaningfulexperiences in a person's life as a religion would. Five soccer fans were interviewedregarding the meanings and impact of soccer in their lives. Two theories in the fields ofsport and religion were used to analyze the data: Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC)with its components meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility and Heelasand Woodheads "life-as" and "the subjective-life? derived from the concept "thesubjective turn". It was concluded that the interest in soccer affected the respondents?views of life.The respondents? personal identities were strongly associated with groupmembership, meaning that their interest in common with others was perceived to makeeveryday life meaningful and manageable.

Darwin eller design : - en studie om förhållandet mellan religion och vetenskap för läroböcker i anknytning till Lgy 11 för gymnasieskolan.

In the curriculum from 2011 for Religion in Swedish Upper Secondary School, a new content has been added regarding the relationship between religion and science. The pupils are supposed to acquire a view of how the understanding of religion and science can express questions concerning creationism and evolution. The purpose of this study is to identify how this relation between religion and science is represented in textbooks for the subjects of Religion and Biology and how pupils are encouraged to reflect on and discuss this relationship. The method of this essay consists of a qualitative content analysis of textbooks from both Religion and Biology. The result of this study showed an overall multifaceted picture of the relation between religion and science..

Integration genom fotboll: Föräldrars, lärares och ledares uppfattning om ett integrationsprojekt

Landskrona är en stad där boendet är segregerat. Fotboll är en idrott som har stark dragkraft. Landskrona BoIS driver fotbollsfritids som ett samverkans- och integrationsprojekt, där vill man skapa en meningsfull fritidssysselsättning åt barn och ungdomar som vill spela fotboll. Samtidigt vill man skapa integrationsmöligheter..

Problemet religion : ? En innehållsanalys av läroböckers framställning av religion i ämnet samhällskunskap för gymnasieskolan

The aim of this essay was to investigate how religious topics and events are presented in five coursebooks in social studies. To do this the following questions were answered: In which context do discussions about religion take place? Are religions brought up in different contexts? To which extent do discussions about religion occur? The method consisted of a both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The results of this essay showed that discussion regarding religion in social studies coursebooks mainly focuses on wars, conflicts, terrorism and to some degree the human rights. Islam was the religion that occurred most frequently in the coursebooks.

Religion, ett retoriskt redskap inom Sverigedemokraterna? : En retorikanalys av SD-kuriren valåret 2010

The purpose of this essay is to see if the Swedish nationalist party?Sverigedemokraterna? use religion rhetorically in their paper SD-Kuriren, and if so,then how? The method used to examine this is called rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, thetheory to explore how religion is used rhetorical is Said's Orientalism.The results show that religion is used rhetorically in the articles. Islam is explainedfrom our point of view in the west, and not their own. Islam becomes a religion that is faraway from what the Swedish culture is like, and also a religion that is violent andirrational compared to the Swedish culture, but also other religions, such as Judaism.Also, religion is used rhetorically to show that Islam is the opposite in relation toChristianity and Judaism..

Inställning till utställning : hur förkristna religiösa föreställningar och tidig kristendom framställs i museiutställningar

This thesis is a study of how Norse religion and early Christianization is presented in three Swedish museum contexts. Empirical studies of the exhibitions relating to religion have been conducted at The Historical Museum in Stockholm, The Museum of Gotland and Östergötlands Museum and interviews with the museum staff compliment the empirical data. The concept of religion has been problematized to facilitate the analysis. The result of the study is that there are tendencies to make a hierarchical order between the different religions and that Christianity is an organized religion while the Norse religion is semi-organized..

GPS-studie - Rörelsemönster inom fotboll

Recent studies mostly study subjective demands for soccer players during running. However, there is a need for physioloical demands for running to make the training more effective..

Att förändra det (o)föränderliga : En studie om relationer mellan feminism och religion-

This essay looks to examine the view on religious and non-religious people thoughts on the possible relationship between feminism and religion. The essay in itself relies on semi structured interviews conducted with five informants where focus has been centered on the informants main thoughts on the subject. The theoretic basis of the study is found in post-structuralistic feminism and intersectionalism. The result will show that while all the informants believe there is a kind of relationship between feminism and religion, this relationship greatly varies depending on the informants? preconception of religion and feminism..

?Om jag inte hade gjort det här, hur skulle jag i så fall svara Gud där uppe.? : En textanalys av hur religion kan förstås i ett rättsfall rörande hedersmord.

With a religious psychological perspective this paper focuses on how religion is communicated during an investigation, and how religion might include in the decisions and the implementation of committed honor killings. This study pinpoints the question if it´s reasonable to unilaterally declare honor killings with culture, which is based on a distinction between culture and religion. The study is done on a court case where the offender confessed to a murder that is categorized as a so-called honorable motives. The material consists of interrogation reports during the investigation and several notes written by the offender before the murder. With a broad definition of religion the text material is analyzed with the theory of attribution.

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